What is niViz?

The goal of niViz is to interactively generate a variety of plots from either measured or simulated snow profiles including auxiliary data (such as meteorological time series). This works in a web browser either online (select File > Open while in niViz) or offline (by downloading a package for your computer or tablet). This Open Source software is available under the GNU Affero General Public License and mostly relies on the IACS Snow Profiles international standard exchange format based on the International Classification for Seasonal Snow on the Ground (ICSSG). For more information, you can have a look at the software forge where niViz is developed and that also provides documentation, examples and issues, such as:
- A single snow profile [CAAML file]
- A timeline of simulated SNOWPACK profiles [PRO file] or a simplified view of it (as used by the Swiss Avalanche Warning Service).
- A timeseries of meteorological forcing, fluxes, snow temperatures, etc. can be visualized [SMET file].
You can also find some developer documentation, either by running "make doc" in your source code tree or online. You can also download a version to use offline.